
The Brazilian Society Of Operational Research is inviting the submission of papers for technical sessions, submission of proposals of short-term courses and reports for candidacy to the Scientific Initiation Prize for undergraduate students related to the following areas:
AD&GP - OR in Administration and Production Management
ADM - Multicriteria Decision Support
AdP - OR in Public Administration
AG&MA - OR in Agriculture and Environment
DEA - Data Envelopment Analysis
EDU - OR in Education
EN - OR in Energy
EST - Statistics
GF - Financial Management
IND - OR in Industry
L&T - Logistics and Transport
MH - Metaheuristics
MP - Probabilistic Models
OA - Other applications in OR
OC - Combinatorial Optimization
P&G - OR in Oil and Gas
PM - Mathematical Programming
SA - OR in Health
SE - OR in Services
SIM - Simulation
TAG - Theory and Algorithms in Graphs
TEL&SI - OR in Telecommunications and Information Systems

Full papers (ST), posters (PS), tutorials (MC) and undergraduate reports (PIC) must be submitted using the JEMS system.

Formatting rules for papers (ST)

Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

Paper length
Papers should not exceed 12 (twelve) A4 sized pages, including bibliography, tables, figures and acknowledgements.

Top: 3,3 cm
Bottom: 2,5 cm
Left and right: 2,9 cm
Space between lines: single
Single column
Font Times New Roman 11

Papers must be submitted without the names of the authors, which should be informed while registering the paper in the JEMS system. A final version of accepted papers should be submitted along with the authors' complete information and corrections, if applicable. Papers considered out of format by the referees will be rejected.

Number of submissions
Each author may submit 3 (three) full papers for oral presentation. This limit does not apply to other forms of presentation.


An example with the required format is available here.


Posters (PS)

A poster submission consists of an abstract satisfying the following rules:

Posters must be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and contain no less than 150 words and no more than 450 words, including 3 (three) key words in one A4 sized page.

Top: 3,3 cm
Bottom: 2,5 cm
Left and right: 2,9 cm
Space between lines: single
Single column
Font Times New Roman 11

There is no need for references in this case. The format should be the same as the one shown in the example of the paper's first page. Click here.

Abstracts must be submitted without the names of the authors. A final version of accepted abstracts should be submitted along with the authors' complete information and corrections, if applicable. Posters considered out of format by the referees will be rejected.

Tutorials (MC)

Tutorial proposals must inform the subject, a list of the main topics to be treated in three hours, and the level of knowledge expected from the audience. Tutorial proponents must hold a Ph.D. degree. 

Undergraduate report (PIC)

SOBRAPO is also offering a prize for the best scientific initiation report, submitted by undergraduate students. The candidates must register individually and submit, via JEMS, a report of no more than 8 (eight) pages, informing the names of their advisers and their institutions and clearly pointing the student’s personal contribution.


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